App Marketing Trends : What To Expect in 2018

According to Mary Meeker, an analyst, reviewing technology trends predicted in 2008, “Mobile to overtake fixed Internet access by 2014”. No doubt it was just an analysis but, she was sure about what internet has to offer people over the years. Mobile app marketing which is in trend today is just the missing part of the puzzle just ready to fix in. There comes situation where you may feel that you are not able to cope up with the app marketing trends, then, just remember that you are not alone. In the year 2017, some of the major players in the market like Facebook, Google and Apple came up with a number of products which contributed towards app marketing while there were others like Pinterest, Snapchat and others who managed to play well and stand in the game with mobile application development . Meanwhile, new strong and powerful app marketing capabilities were developed due to the advancements in marketing infrastructures, data analytics and machine learning as a ...