App Marketing Trends : What To Expect in 2018

App Marketing Trends : What To Expect in 2018

According to Mary Meeker, an analyst, reviewing technology trends predicted in 2008, “Mobile to overtake fixed Internet access by 2014”. No doubt it was just an analysis but, she was sure about what internet has to offer people over the years. Mobile app marketing which is in trend today is just the missing part of the puzzle just ready to fix in. 

There comes situation where you may feel that you are not able to cope up with the app marketing trends, then, just remember that you are not alone.  In the year 2017, some of the major players in the market like Facebook, Google and Apple came up with a number of products which contributed towards app marketing while there were others like Pinterest, Snapchat and others who managed to play well and stand in the game with mobile application development. Meanwhile, new strong and powerful app marketing capabilities were developed due to the advancements in marketing infrastructures, data analytics and machine learning as a part of mobile app development. 

All these can make your head spin. But wait; there is something good about it. It offers immense opportunities to app marketers. The marketers who have good learning skills and the ability to grasp the changes happening in the industry, capability to learn new tools and technologies will always reach profitability and growth. For app marketers something that they need to push their app a step ahead is to find ways to stay in the competition ahead of the competitors. When said it may sound easier and it can only be achieved by staying up with the industry trends.

Here we have highlighted some of the major marketing trends associated with mobile application development and they are :

  • Artificial Intelligence will be The Base for Media Buying

    In 2018, advertisers will be saved from the issue of media buying functions as all those things will be handled by computers right from budget allocation and bid rate optimization. Again, it has been seen that there is no meaning in hiring a single person to carry out analysis and decided the bidding amount on a search term. Compared to humans, computers are better at doing these kinds of calculations. The best thing is that they carry out these tasks faster and better. Major platforms like Google Snapchat, Facebook and others have been working on to develop AI technology for last many years to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of media buying process. This year all their efforts will bear fruits. The businesses looking for ways to stay competitive in the market will benefit from the optimizing and automating data-heavy media buying processing of AI. 
  • AI will Make Ad Creative Smarter

    Along with media buying side, we will see the work of AI on creative side in the year 2018. It is believed that creative side is a part of advertising process which showcases the artistic side but, there is some science to it too. It will be possible to create better performing mobile apps by making use of technology solutions. Computers will not be able to control the creative process as they lack emotion, human intelligence and imagination to build it. Still, they can help you to know what better creative things work best for the ad to reach your goals. This kind of human and computer combination will work great in 2018 to create ads that are creatively smart. 
  • 2018 will have Ads that are more Interactive, Engaging and Dynamic

    Over the years mobile ads have become more interactive and engaging. From being simple clickable ads they have become swipeable, foldable, pinchable, flappable and spinnable. Such kinds of playable ads become more engaging and affect app install campaigns. Such kind of campaigns helps the people to test the app and check it out before downloading it. By making use of AI, marketers will be able to decide the content of such playable ads and others, being smart. In such ads you will also see a tricky way to make your views active from passive by adding interactive end cards at the end of the video. The major messenger apps also offer better opportunities to the app marketers to conquer such channels. There will also come the time when virtual reality and augmented reality will play major role in app install campaigns to improve the engagement of the audience with ad content. 
  • Better ROI on Ads with Better Creative, Optimization and Data

    As per the data of Bidalgo, in 2017 the cost per install stayed low but, the return on ad spend grew for advertisers by 35%. This is because advertisers understood that the returns on ad spend can be considered as an important factor for performance indicators. At the same time they have also focused on other things. First one is campaign optimization goal that generate revenue rather than cost-per-install. For this they made use of the new tools that were introduced in 2017 to take deep funnel actions. Second one is to build creative ads and running them to get quality and profitable leads. In 2018, you will see the marketers taking effective steps to use platform tools used for deep-tunnel actions and for increasing post-install conversions. App marketers will look for ways to increase ROAS in 2018 with mobile app design. 



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